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Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN for CRs 075, 076, 1070, 1071, & 1072 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

Coiunty Roads 075, 076, 1070, 1071, and 1072.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN for CR's 075, 076, 1070, 1071, & 1072 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

County Roads 075, 076, 1070, 1071, and 1072. 

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 032 to the Dam; Angelina River to FSR 333 is lifted

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

Angelina River Bridge to CR 032/FSR 333; From CR 032/Hwy 255 to the Dam

Boil Water Rescind Notice-SS Specific

Samples are clear.  BWN for Hwy 190, CR 137, CR 138, CR 190 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-SS Specific

Hwy 190, CR 137, CR 138, CR 190

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. Sam Rayburn Parkway from Hwy 63W to the Dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

On Sam Rayburn Parkway to the dam, Harvey Town/Letney, and the Concords.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 082 to CR 032/FSR 333; Neches to SR Dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

  1. CR 082 (River Ridge) to CR 032/FSR 333; Neches to SR Dam; Letney; Concords.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 082 to CR 032/FSR333; Neches to the dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

CR 082 (River Ridge) to CR 032/FSR333; Neches to the SR Dam; Letney; Concords. 

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR082/087 to CR032/FSR333; Neches to Dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

From CR 082/087 to Intersection of CR 032/FSR 333. From Neches to the Dam.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 080 to CR 032/FSR 333; Neches to SR Dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

CR 080 to Intersection of CR 032/FSR 333. From Neches to Sam Rayburn Dam.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to CR 082 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

From CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to but not including CR 082 (River Ridge Rd). 

Boil Water Rescind Notice-SS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN for FM 777 between CR 298 to CR 150 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-SS Specific

BWN on FM 777 from the West side of County Road 298 over to County Road 150.

Boil Water Rescind-NS Specific

Samples are clear. From CR 108 to FSR 333; Neches River to S.R. Dam is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

CR 108 (Campbell Hill) to CR 032/FSR 333; Neches River to S.R. Dam.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to CR 082 is lifted.


2023 Annual Drinking Water Report available at

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

On CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to but not including CR 082 (River Ridge Road)

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear.  CR 032/Hwy 255 to Hwy 63W; AR to FSR 333 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

From CR 032/Hwy 255 to Hwy 63W.  From Angelina River Bridge to FSR 333.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN from CR 082 up to CR 080 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

From intersection of CR 087/CR 082 up to but not including CR 080.

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to CR 082 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

On CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to but not including CR 082 (River Ridge Road)

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to CR 082 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

On CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to but not including CR 082 (River Ridge Road)

Boil Water Rescind Notice-NS Specific

Samples are clear. CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to CR 082 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

On CR 108 (Campbell Hill) up to but not including CR 082 (River Ridge Road)

Boil Water Rescind-NS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN from Ang Riv Bridge to CR's 046, 047, 048 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-NS Specific

From HWY 63W/RR 255 to Ang. Riv. Bridge, Trout Creek, & CR 046, CR 047, CR 048

Boil Water Rescind Notice-SS Specific

Samples are clear. BWN from ZionHill Church to CR 313 is lifted.

Boil Water Notice-SS Specific

East side of Hwy 96, from ZionHill Church to CR 313. (CR 308, 310 ,312, 313, 434)