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2019 TWDB - DWSRF 62847 Project
April 01, 2021
The proposed project includes the replacement of over two miles of problematic water line which carries the majority of the water produced by the system. This line has frequent breaks resulting in customer service outages and boil water notices. The project also includes replacing the river crossing and adding a new crossing by boring under the river. The existing crossing is the only way water can be delivered to customers north of the river. Another aspect of the project is to increase the production capacity of the system wells to address capacity issues. There are other minor tasks in the project, including replacing a small storage tank and repair of some deep connections.
Peachtree Well #1 Repairs and Rehabilitation
February 24, 2016
Peachtree Well #1 is currently undergoing a mechanical rehabilitaion after the motor shaft on the motor locked and would not spin freely. This repair and rehabilitation includes repairing of the well motor, and replacement of the pump bowl, column assembly, and discharge head.
This well was constructed in 1987. The total depth is 786'. Workers were only able to reach 776'. In an attempt to return the well to its original depth, debris will be air lifted out of the bottom of the well. Upon project completion, an additional downhole video survey will be conducted to determine if the well will produce more gallons per minute.
We expect this project to be completed early March of 2016.
Update - Peachtree Tank Project
August 05, 2013
UJCWA has completed the installation of a new back up water tank and a new primary water tank at the Peachtree Plant.
Update - Remote Read Project
June 27, 2013
UJCWA has completed the installation of a new Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system. Meter readings are now transmitted via radio waves to a handheld device in a UJCWA truck. The AMR system will significantly reduce meter reading errors and expedite the meter reading process. Furthermore, through the utilization of an interface with an AMR Meter Register, UJCWA Employees can conduct a "Data Profile" of the customer's water usage history and allow the determination of water consumption patterns and possible customer water leaks.