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System Protection from Thawing PIpes

With temperatures today forecasted to get above the freezing mark, UJCWA is requesting that all customers check their plumbing for leaks.

During previous freezing weather events, the water system has been overtasked by leaks on the customer’s side. When pipes thaw and begin to leak, especially at camps where no one lives, it puts a severe strain on our water wells. The most common problems have been at camp houses that did not get properly winterized, outdoor fish cleaning tables, external laundry rooms and outside water faucets. If you know your neighbor has not been here (and you have their permission to be on their property) please check theirs also.

If you have any questions, please call the water office at 409-384-6301 between the hours of 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.

Thank you,

Jonathan Williams

Field Supervisor